(ˈhēliNG): A return to wholeness
At Arise Wellness & Osteopathy, we believe well-being is found within the harmony of alignment. The way you feel is influenced by how your body moves, what you ingest, the quality of your thoughts & environment, and the value of your intentions.
The foundations of our approach are based in:
Movement & Alignment
Mindset & Growth
Community & Connection​
Our goal is to simplify taking great care of yourself, in our clinic in Kitchener, Ontario, through our Corporate Wellness offering or our online programming. We aim to offer an efficient and effective means of self improvement to help you move forward on your healing journey.
Work with our team toward improvement in each area, to discover the beauty of wholeness, improved well-being and a life well lived.

Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a gentle alignment based practice aimed to improve function of all systems of the body by relieving tension through all tissues from the fascia just deep to the skin down to the joints.
Osteopathic philosophy believes the human body is a functional unit, meaning all parts and systems work together and can influence one another. When the body is out of alignment, dis-ease is the result. We work to relieve the misalignment and deal with the source of the problem to alleviate symptoms.
The osteopathic approach focuses on why you're feeling pain, or discomfort and corrects the problem, releasing compensational patterns then allows the body to do the rest. Like when you have a minor cut, the body goes to work to heal itself.
Whether it's an acute tweak, chronic pain, numbness or preventative care, Osteopathic Manual Therapy can help.
Having an informative baseline at the onset of any change is invaluable. If you've decided to improve any area of your lifestyle, we can help you get clear on your starting point, aid you in setting realistic goals, and guide you on your path. Join us one Saturday morning a month to get started or check in on your progress. Your coaching session includes "before & after" 3D body composition scans with our Styku Scanner.

526 Frederick St, Kitchener ON.
Parking lot access from Ann St.
Enter from the parking lot and head down the stairs, we're on the left.
email: hello@arisewellness.ca